Yesterday I dreamt I was drowning in new words and sounds and melodies. When your mother tongue is not your only tongue anymore, the ground under your feet disappears. That's ok. I can swim. I am turning into a sponge. I have to build myself a home in this language.


The German theatre maker Katja Dreyer lives and works in Brussels. As a performer, she has worked for Mette Ingvartsen, Mette Edvardsen, Superamas, Ivana Müller, David Weber-Krebs and Miet Warlop, among others.




In her own work she tries to shed light on history and its consequences by zooming in on the personal lives of ordinary people. She writes and produces performances that explore language and the role it has in the way identities are formed. Her work has been presented in Belgium at the Kaaitheater, Beursschowburg, kc Nona, Buda and Vooruit, as well as toured internationally to the Netherlands, England and Norway.